This plugin adds a Grid Style layout to your variable products, using up to three Attributes (Note: Any more than 3 might get a little crazy). Users can select the quantities they wish to purchase from multiple variations, and batch them all to their cart – a great way to do “bulk” style ordering!
Check out a Sample Grid!
This plugin turns the WooCommerce Variable product default purchasing form into a Grid (or ‘table’), which is much easier to use, and allows bulk add-to-cart functionality. A necessary plugin for just about any store!
We know that a lot of plugins are free – but we hope that this plugin saves you a bunch of hours of work, and helps increase your sales so much, that you’ll make up the cost almost immediately. If you plan to use this plugin on multiple sites, we hope you will continue to re-purchase to help support us!
After purchasing and receiving your copy of WooCommerce Variations Add-To-Card Grid download the ZIP file that will arrive in your email. Unzip and upload the contained folder into your WordPress Plugins directory.
Log in to your WordPress Website and active the plugin. WooCommerce is REQUIRED for this plugin – be sure you have it installed too! This plugin is best used on the newest version of WooCommerce – please ensure it’s updated.
A new tab will appear for Variable Products (at the bottom), where you can do some simple configuration:
How many attributes can this handle? Theoretically? As many as you want. But WooCommerce Variations Add-To-Cart Grid works best with 2 or 3 attributes.
How do I order the grid? In the attributes panel, you can re-order your attributes, just click and drag! The Grid will reflect your changes when you save. You can also choose to order the variations from the Order By dropdown.
Can I add custom Columns? Yep! Use the following code as an example:
add_action('eps_variations_grid_headings', function( $variations, $primaryAttr, $gridType ){ // priority 10 is thumbnail // priority 20 is attributes // priority 30 is sku // priority 40 is price // priority 50 is add-to-cart actions echo "<th>Custom Field Heading</th>"; }, 41, 3); add_action('eps_variations_grid_rows', function( $gridType, $variation){ echo "<td>Custom Field Value</td>"; }, 41, 2);
This plugin works with the Majority of WooCommerce plugins. We’ve specifically added integrations for:
If you find a plugin combination that is not supported, please let us know – we’ll add an integration for you!
Support is limited – but I do care. I’d love to hear your suggestions, bugs, or general compliments/complaints. please email plugins@eggplantstudios.ca with your comments.
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